Build a Modern Scalable System - Practice on Service Mesh Mode with Consul and Nomad

Table of Contents

In last post, I introduced the gateway mode via a PoC sample containing java and node.js services. This post will focus on the PoC sample for service mesh mode, which can provide a solution for a mixed languages development challenges in MSA.

All of the sample source code is hosted on repsoitry, it is automated, and easy to run. To simplify the sample content, I just keep the service-mesh related features in it, if you are interested in aggregated logging, performance analysis, please refer to earlier posts.

Recall the service mesh mode


Please refer to my early post reference-modes-for-msa-service-communication for more details about the MSA runtime challenges.

PoC sample

Scenario overview


Sidecar Tasks


The sample is based on consul connect and it's builtin proxy for the serviemesh. We want to use it to demonsrate the service mesh concepts for a hybrid environments(docker is not the only packing method, mixed deployable types for the service orchestration which could not be achieved by k8s only. cloud-native and on-premise co-exists). Please note, Consule connect was introduced in Consul 1.2 and be marked as beta quality for now, thus, not ready to be used in a production environment.

Soruce code structure


├── modules
│   ├── add.svc               // add operator service, which will be called by calculator-ui
│   │   ├── build.gradle
│   │   ├── out
│   │   └── src
│   ├── api.gateway           // api.gateway based on Zuul
│   │   ├── build.gradle
│   │   ├── out
│   │   └── src
│   ├── frontend             // front-end service(edge service), which is implemeted by node.js, will call to add.svc and sub.svc 
│   │   ├── build.gradle
│   │   ├── out
│   │   └── src
│   ├── ifw.lib               // A prototype simple library impl to demonstrate an AOP based invocation framework with annotated QoS supports (just for demo only, not a production quality)
│   │   ├── build.gradle
│   │   ├── out
│   │   └── src
│   ├── sub.svc               // subtract operator service, which will be called by calculator-ui
│   │   ├── build.gradle
│   │   ├── out
│   │   └── src

Operational source code

├── Vagrantfile       // Vagrant file
├── ansible           // ansible scripts for install and start services, including: commoent runtime dependences, zookeeper, kafka, nginx(for local pkgs repo), install JVM, filebeat, consul, nomad, elasticsearch, logstash, kibana and wrk
├── bin               // script, including, an invocation on the sample), kafka-*, and
├── deployable        // nomad job definition files(hcl) for microservices
├── deps              // binary dependences, which cache it locally to reduce(avoid) network deps during demonstration
├── dist              // pkgs publish folder, nginx is started on this folder to simulate a pkg repository

Run the Sample

All of service instances are using dynamic ports in this sample to demonstrate the auto-scale features.

As we want to focus on servicemesh part in the sample, to make the verification(for service discovery and load balancing) ealier, only the internal services are scheduled multiple instances in this sample. If you are interested in the edge services, please refer to hello-msaproxy for details.


  • Prerequisites
    • Java
    • Node.js
    • Gradle
  • Git clone the project

    On host:

    git clone
  • Gradle build/deploy distribution

    On host:

    cd hello-servicemesh/modules/frontend
    npm install
    cd ../../
    gradle deploy 
  • Launch VM

    On host:

      cd ops
      vagrant up
  • Provision the VM

    On host:

      vagrant provision 
  • Start all nomad jobs

    For each services, two intances will be created for a load balance, service discovery testing

    On host:

    vagrant ssh

    In VM

      cd /vagrant/bin

    After start all jobs, we can see 4 connect-proxy(inbound side proxy) instances created:

      root      4222  4180  0 14:25 ?        00:00:00 /opt/consul/bin/consul connect proxy -service add-svc -service-addr -listen :28489 -register -register-id 28489
      root      4223  4171  0 14:25 ?        00:00:00 /opt/consul/bin/consul connect proxy -service add-svc -service-addr -listen :26604 -register -register-id 26604
      root      4273  4203  0 14:25 ?        00:00:00 /opt/consul/bin/consul connect proxy -service sub-svc -service-addr -listen :26351 -register -register-id 26351
      root      4275  4207  0 14:25 ?        00:00:00 /opt/consul/bin/consul connect proxy -service sub-svc -service-addr -listen :28277 -register -register-id 28277

    as well as two upstream-proxy(outbound side proxy) instances:

      root      4304  4259  0 14:25 ?        00:00:00 /opt/consul/bin/consul connect proxy -service frontend -upstream sub-svc:28153
      root      4322  4260  0 14:25 ?        00:00:00 /opt/consul/bin/consul connect proxy -service frontend -upstream add-svc:28663
  • Run the sample

    In VM:

  • Run benchmark

    In VM:


Result of Service Discovery and Load Balance


Wrapping up

In this post, we introduce the service mesh mode via PoC sample, in next post, we will take a hands-on practice on service mesh mode with envoy proxy for a mixed programming language scenario.